10 April 2007

SnowSTAR had intended to be back on the trail at midday today, but a mechanical issue with one of the expediton snowmobiles was discovered yesterday and the crew has elected to remain in Kugluktuk an extra day to complete needed repairs. Team members also took the time to visit Kugluktuk High School this morning and talked with students and teachers about the expedition. Tonight's soundclilp from Matthew talks about all the mineral exploration currently going on in this part of the North. The team will say good-bye to Kugluktuk tomorrow and head into the barrenlands.

Click here for tonight's Soundclip from Matthew

CHUGIAK STUDENTS: Click here for Weather in ESPANOL

A Day in Kugluktuk:

Kugluktuk High School, Jon's Mechanical Wizardry & Inuit Carving

Kugluktuk, 10 April 2007

Weather--Overcast and Warm 0C (32F)

We enjoyed the friendliness and hospitality of Kugluktuk for another day. Matthew and Dan had the fun of visiting Kugluktuk High School.. They were a great group with lots of science questions as well as questions about our trip. Here is a picture of many of the students at the school.

Meanwhile, Jon was working his usual mechanical miracles. His snowmachine had a leaky seal. The seal is supposed to keep the 2-cycle oil inside the engine. If it leaks, you have first the mess of oil going all over, and then you have bigger problems when one cylinder in the engine starts to run lean and burns. We thought it was smarter to fix the problem now, rather than have a broken machine a long way from help. With several people helping him find parts and tools, Jon figured out how to remove the engine, take it apart, replace the seal, and put it all back together. This was all without the spare parts, which Jon ordered from Yellowknife and which should arrive tomorrow. See why Jon is so crucial to our team?!?

Glen and Henry filled up the machines and jugs with gas, and then visited the Kugluktuk Heritage Centre, learning about local history and admiring the artistry of local carvers and knitters. Bobby Nokalak Anavilak showed us a polar bear carving he is working on. Isn’t it beautiful? There are many carvers here, creating beautiful works of art from local soapstone and dolomite.




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