Explore the Arctic!

The North American Arctic: 5000 km of tundra and taiga in Alaska and Canada. It is a vast land, home to caribou, bear and wolves. It is also home to people in 90 villages and towns. It has harsh weather, a rich history, and valuable oil, gold, and diamonds. It also has a powerful mystique. It is a timeless land, yet it is undergoing unprecedented climate change. It is locked in the grip of frigid winter for 9 months of the year, yet it is also a friendly place. What is the real Arctic. Join us as we seek an answer to this question during a 3500 km snowmobile trip. Learn about the history, culture, and mystique of the Arctic as we traverse the Barrenlands, the heart of the region, and as we talk to people in villages and towns along the route. 

Latitude 64°19' N
Longitude 96°04' W
Location Baker Lake

-4°C (+25°F)

light Snow

Latest News: 4/30/07

Journeys End

Our Visit in Baker Lake, Some Congratulations, and a few Thank Yous

Who: Expedition Members

Why: Why are we going? Details on the reason for the trip

Where: A map of our route

When: A calendar of when we will be where



U.S. Army Cold Regions Research & Engineering Laboratory

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This site constructed by Rachael Skye Sturm.