26 April 2007

In whiteout conditions and with blowing snow covering the trail, SnowSTAR picked their way overland from Schultz Lake and arrived in the community of Baker Lake at 4:30 PM Central Time, ending their 42-day, 4,700 kilometer trek across the North American Arctic. They were greeted warmly by Baker Lake residents who have been anticipating their arrival and they have been invited to stay tonight in the elementary school. Friday they have a full schedule of community presentations planned with talks at all three schools and the Inuit Community Center. Between presentations, Expedition gear will be dried, sorted, and packed for shipping and arrangements will be made for crew members to fly home. It appears that we will have one more final dispatch from the group tomorrow to post pictures from their stay in Baker Lake. Matthew and Henry both came through with additional Soundclips tonight and they have sent a great group photo as tonights dispatch to commemorate the successful finish of this remarkable journey. Enjoy.

Click Here for Soundclip from Matthew

CHUGIAK STUDENTS Click Here for Weather in Espanol

Distance Today: 71 km

Weather: Overcast, Whiteout, Snow and Blowing, -5C (+23F)

SnowSTAR Arrives in Baker Lake!



Copyright © SnowSTAR.