28 February 2007: Fairbanks

Classroom Posters Begin Arriving

For all those participating in the school poster exchange, the first week of March marks the deadline to get those submitted. Posters from classrooms all over the country are now beginning to arrive. Already we have recived posters from classrooms in Florida, Michigan, and several schools in Alaska. The photo above is from Mr. Marok's second grade class at Weller Elementary School in Fairbanks Alaska.

Our list of participating classrooms has now grown to 53 classes representing more than 1300 students who are tracking the expedition. Teachers and students can access a list of participating schools and classrooms by clicking the "School-to-School" button on the website. Contact information is provided for each school. Participating classrooms should feel free to contact each other to share their experiences. There is still time to get your posters in-- so have fun, make a poster and send us a digital photo of your submission. Send your photo to:

[email protected]







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